Micro Incision Cataract Surgery in Delhi


Micro Incision Cataract Surgery in Delhi

If you are experiencing the blurred, double or poor night vision, contact us immediately for your eye check up. We are one of the best cataract surgery hospital offering micro incision cataract surgery in Delhi NCR at lowest price. It is 100% bladeless surgery and the whole technique of performing the surgery has been modernised with this technique. The cost of cataract surgery is very low in compare to other eye care Clinics.

What is Cataract Surgery?
The eye has a natural eye called the crystalline lens. This lens over time with age, develops an opacification, termed cataract. This opacity which is loss of transparency in the natural lens is result of metabolic changes in the fibres of the lens. Due to which the light is not able to reach retina, affecting image formation in the eye and loss of vision.

In a cataract surgery, the first step drawing a tiny incision to reach inside the eye for removal of natural lens of the eye which is now useless. This is then substituted with the implantation of an artificial lens. This is done under local anaesthesia in ambulatory set up.

The clinical term of Cataract Surgery is : Phaco emulsification ( breaking the opaque lens) and IOL (Intra Ocular lens – Artificial lens) Implantation – inserting artificial lens.

– Strong glare from lights
– At night high glare from small light sources
– Reduction in vision acuity at low level of light

Micro Incision Cataract Surgery
Traditionally, the cataract surgery was done with a 12 mm long incision. But with the advancements and coming in of the phaco- emulsification technique this incision is now reduced to a tiny cut of 2.8 to 3.4 mm. With the modern medicine techniques, and the recent advancements cataract removal called MICS – Micro Incision Cataract Surgery has been evolved. This has revolutionized the cataract surgery scenario.

This micro incision cataract surgery uses the C – MICS: Coaxial – Micro Incision Cataract Surgery. The incision is a microscopic cut of 1.6 mm to 1.8 mm. In the IOL (intra ocular lens) inserted and implanted is 3rd generation foldable ultra thin lens. This lens is called MIOL – Microincision Intra Ocular Lens. Most widely used cataract removal system for MICS surgery is the most advanced system in the word for cataract removal – “Stellaris Vision Enhancement System”.

The S- MICS technique provides the cataract surgery an accuracy and efficiency which is unparallel. The procedure also is super safe due to the regulations of the machine, the process is speedy and painless. There is immediate vision recovery post the cataract surgery and there is no requirement of pad/bandage post procedure. The patient can also drive back home. They can get back to their daily routine the same day or by maximum the next day.

Benefits from Micro Incision Cataract Surgery (S- MICS)
– Reduced incision upto 50% smaller (from 2.8 – 3.4 to 1.6- 1.8 mm) ensure less area to heal thus faster healing and speedier recovery of vision.
– Astigmatism is reduced due to smaller incision which does not affect the original shape of the eye. Thus preventing the need of post operative glasses.
– Improved post operative vision as a result of use of high quality artificial intra ocular lens with the quality of advanced optics technology.
– Special advantage for diabetic patients as the healing is quicker.
– Infection chances are reduced as the wound heals quickly.
– Minimized post operative care regime.
– Reduced number of follow up consultations
– Daily routine activities can be resumed without much delay.
– Safe in all seasons as the micro incision gives faster recovery.

The SMICS systems offers the benefits of a great MIOL also. The surgery uses specialized M160 lenses which can be implanted through micro incision of 1.6-1.8 mm. These high optic quality lenses provide the patient with better night vision, prevent double glare vision, improved contrast vision.


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