How does pollution affect your eyes?

Some eye problems are related to pollution but people don’t take pollution seriously and the eye infections caused due to pollutants. According to the best eye hospital in Delhi, many problems resulting from pollution could be avoided by taking precautions.

High level of pollution turns into smog after coming into contact with sunlight. People sensitive to pollution face lungs and heart problems after inhaling pollutants. In days of high pollution, you feel irritation in nose, throat, lungs and eyes.

The most common eye conditions related to smog

·         Burning sensation or discomfort in eyes
·         Watery eyes
·         Soreness
·         Redness
·         Swelling
·         Itching
·         Allergic reactions like blurred vision and discharge
·         Feeling of dryness and foreign body in the eyes

These conditions can be avoided by taking care. You can take following steps to minimize the impact of pollution on your eyes.

·         The golden rule is to avoid exposure to pollution. Today weather monitoring agencies alert people about pollution level through news papers and news channels. They release advisory for people to remain safe. You should follow their advisory.

·         Avoid touching your eyeswhen you are out and wash your hands before touching your eyes.

·         Don’t rub your eyes, in case of irritation.

·         Drink plenty of water (8-10 glasses) to stay hydrated. The water content will prevent loss of tears that could lead to dry eyes and irritation.

·         Protect your eyes with sunglasses when going out.

·         Keep your eyes lubricated with the help of over-the-counter eye drops but it is better to consult a doctor before buying an eye drop.

·         Reduce your screen time to reduce computer vision syndrome. Take adequate rest to avoid eye fatigue.

·         Add green leafy vegetables like spinach to your plate. Also, eat carrots, walnuts and berries. If you are a non-vegetarian, you can eat fish. These food items are rich in Omega 3 fatty acid.

·         Wear protective glasses over contact lenses, if you use contacts. But try avoiding contacts during high pollution days.

·         Avoid putting eye makeup like kajal and mascara that can trigger irritation and discomfort.

·         Visit an eye clinic, in case of irritation and discomfort persists even after taking precautions.

Follow the advice of the best eye hospital in Delhi to take care of your eyes. It is difficult to do all the work from home but it doesn’t mean that you should take risk of eye conditions to go out. It is better to stay protected instead of looking for treatment options.


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